Why Should Designers Use 3D in Their Design?
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Another interesting topic to discuss is design, particularly the 3D elements in design. 3D design plays a vital role in graphic design, and it should be used by every designer. Here is why.
3D is the Way Forward
While 2D graphic design works wonders for logos and similar products which will be used on 2D products, it is not the same with graphic design which has to do with architecture. A building can have 2D photos and perspectives, but it should realistically always be done in 3D, in order for the client or investors to get a good idea of what it could look like.
Almost all ideas, products or buildings, nowadays, are presented in 3D. This is why almost every design should be in 3D, which is why an artist should start dedicating time and effort into learning 3D design.
Financial Benefits
When making a project in 3D, you can clearly see it from multiple angles. This gives you an opportunity to review the product without any materials being bought, or any money invested into the creation of the object.
Whether it is something as small as a gadget, or something humongous like a skyscraper, a 3D model of the object will give you a better perspective on things. It will also allow you to make a realistic prototype in 3D, which would give a great model to engineers. Instead of going through multiple prototypes, a 3D render can be fiddled with until it reaches perfection.
Making a Perfect Object
3D design allows for endless tweaking and adjustment. In the long run, this means that the object in question can be fixed as many times as necessary, until it becomes as perfect as it was intended to be.
When you can fiddle about with a render, instead of a prototype or even a finished object, then you not only save money, but have the room to improve the product greatly. Architects and engineers, as well as designers, could work together to create the perfect render, from all standpoints, whether as a presentational piece, a realistic prototype or something in between.
Evolution of The Project – Learning
One of the many benefits of 3D graphic design is the ability to see the evolution of the project in real time. If you have saved versions of the project, then you can see how the project evolved over time. This alone makes it an invaluable tool for learning and teaching.
New architects and designers, not to mention engineers, depending on the project, could learn from it, and find new ways to improve the next project, or shorten the development process.
A history of the model’s changes can teach anyone from architects to engineers.
3D design should almost always be a part of graphic design, and these were some reasons why.