The Effect of Virtual Reality on Everyday Design Trends

The Effect of Virtual Reality on Everyday Design Trends

We already know how technology and the internet shaped the way we live our lives, how we meet people and how we relax. Technological innovations, especially virtual reality, have also had a great impact on the whole field of design. All of it has greatly shaped all the design trends, different standards and the direction in which different forms of design will develop. Even if VR is not something completely new, the innovative use of virtual reality in many different branches of design is something that still amazes us. 

What is Virtual Reality?

VR or Virtual Reality presents a simulated digital experience that can depict an event or place from the real world, but it can also depict that of a fictional world. Nowadays, the main use of VR is for entertainment purposes, however, it can have many applications, especially in the field of design and education. We can often see VR games, headsets, hubs, and other devices that will help the individual experience VR.

VR in Online Shops

Who would imagine that it would be possible to experience augmented reality in a way that we are today? And many retailers decided to take a leap of faith and create something that might help the consumers get the idea of what kind of product they will be purchasing. Furniture manufacturing companies, clothing retailers, and others are trying to create a realistic and more interactive experience for the consumers through VR. They develop apps that can show you approximately how something would fit on your, in your home, etc. 

Travel the World With VR

One couldn’t imagine being able to travel the world virtually a while ago, but now things have changed.

As it seems, people will soon enough be able to visit any monument, city or place on the planet using something similar to a VR headset. These possible future innovations could help some save a lot of money they would usually spend on traveling, and help those unable to travel to see the world. A museum from Madrid, Museo Nacional del Prado made the first step towards this goal by including a VR experience for their online visitors. 

VR 3D Clip Art 

If you are a designer or an illustrator, or you are interested in designs, this one will be pretty interesting for you. The 3D design has been quite popular, especially during the past decade or two. Nowadays, we could expect all sorts of changes in the 3D graphic niche due to virtual reality. For example, Google introduced Poly – and the aim is to create a 3D clip art object library that could be further used to create VR and AR environments. 

VR for Better Traveling Experience

Anyone who dislikes waiting at airports, who would like for this experience to go more smoothly, will love this one. With the use of different VR applications, future travelers might be able to speed up the boarding process at airports, make the whole experience a lot calmer and relaxed. There is an idea created by the digital agency named PLATFORM that AR experience would be a great solution for this.

Creating an app that could lead the travelers straight to the gates, terminals, restaurants, lunges, check-in could minimize the chaotic experience at the airports. 


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