Ambiance of Video Game Music

Ambiance of Video Game Music

Online gaming has taken the focus away from single-player games, but there is a factor that still holds a lot of value in this form of entertainment – music. So, why is music so important in games?

Online Gaming

The effect of music found in online casino games is pretty straightforward. It needs to convince you that you are in a casino as you play. Furthermore, the role of music is to entice you to play further, by utilizing sounds you associate with victory and joy. The siren song of the slots is enough for most to keep playing indefinitely. However, there are also other ways of attracting players; for example, bonus codes like the Smarkets promotion code are as important for online betting as music is for online casino games.


Music is a big part of the brand that is on your screen. Many gaming dinosaurs melt with nostalgia as they hear the first couple of notes of the Super Mario theme or the victory melody of the Final Fantasy series. The music conveys the atmosphere of the game and tells you how you should approach it. Is it playful and relaxing, or tense and triumphant? Is it immersive, or simply a small part of the background?

It is the reason why so many jingles aim to be catchy and easily memorable. A tune that is difficult to tune out will cause a sense of familiarity with the product at hand and the games are no exception to the rule.

Emotional Connection

I will never forget the first time I was convinced by my gaming friends to try playing Shadow of the Colossus. I am not an avid gamer and it took some time to convince me to take a controller and figure out the confusing options in order to make my character act, but the first time the protagonist faced an enemy, I knew why they thought I would like it. 

Kow Otani did an amazing job of portraying the epic battles in front of me, as well as the struggles of the character later in the game. I would not be exaggerating to say that I had tears in my eyes by the end of the game. It was not the graphics or the challenge that made the game enjoyable for me – it was the emotional connection I felt with Wander that the orchestra managed to produce.

I would argue that it is the same for many gamers out there. The buildup, the crescendo, and the dolente not only make you play the game, they make you experience it more intensely. Pair that with the fact that you are right there, making major decisions and influencing the story, and you get completely absorbed into the work.


It may be hard to believe, but there is an entire world dedicated entirely to music for games. Why? Well, online games are a very lucrative business, so it is important to keep the customers as satisfied as possible. This includes relaxing the patrons enough to keep the experience pleasurable at all times. To do this, video game companies hire entire orchestras to perform intricate pieces that tell the mood of each scene. Of course, low budget games rely on one or two crafty composers with a soundboard, but you use what you can.


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